Monday, September 17, 2012

Finding a Job as a Young Parent

I know providing for your child is huge to you! It's important; if you do not provide for them who will? No matter how bad you want to, you have probably realized it is not as easy to actually do it then it is to want to.  Let's face it, you have been hearing for awhile that there are no jobs and that this is a bad economy. Finding work is hard.

Even though finding a job is somewhat difficult it is not impossible. That is why this blog is here. It will help you get started on finding a job, help you to actually get the job as well as determining different jobs options that you can take.

Where to find jobs

See the thing is, while there are many people unemployed who can not find work, there are many businesses who can not find good help. So, for those who want a job bad enough and are willing to work there are plenty of opportunities.... If you know where to look.

Here is a list of resources for you to begin looking for a job:

Internet - yes good old fashion Google will help you to find a job. My girlfriend used this method and applied to 10 different jobs within our small town. (And she was very picky in her search) Simply type in something similar to "all jobs in.... [your city & state]" This is a quick way to find a list of possible job opportunities, where they are located, how much they pay, how to apply, etc.... This is not always the best way to apply for a job, but it will allow you to get many listings in a short amount of time.

Publications/Newspapers - believe it or not but people still use newspapers! I see it less and less but there are still many job postings that get listed in newspapers. You have a special advantage with these because if they are not online, chances are not many other people have seen the ad. The less people that apply gives you a greater chance to be chosen.

Word-of-mouth/Networking - this is probably the most efficient way to get a job, but it is about the hardest way to find one.Start off by telling everyone that you are currently looking for a place to work. I mean everyone! The more you mention that you are looking for a job, the higher the chance of someone saying, "you know so and so is hiring over there at..." or someone may say "I actually have a buddy who is looking for someone to help him...." You will never get that unless you tell people first.

Networking is simply a friendly way for you to get to know who is hiring and what job is worth going after. Use LinkedIn or physically meet different professionals who probably know others who are hiring. Using these people you actually know gives you a lot bigger chance to get your foot in the door also.

There are probably jobs somewhere in your area. But if you do not know where to look chances are you will not find them. Use the examples above to get started.

How to get a job

Finding the jobs is often the easy part; it is actually getting the job that is hard for most. Different people go about getting jobs completely different. Below are some of the common ways people try to get jobs.

Apply then contact - This is simply when you apply to a job then contact the hiring manager until you get an interview. This will suffice for most part-time jobs. Many places collect applications then look at the top of the stack then interview those who have what they want. Many part-time jobs are looking for availability. Keep in contact with the business so that your application stays on the top.

Send in your resume - Many full-time jobs require a resume to apply. This is either on-line or in person. If you decide to apply on line, look at the "keywords" used in the job description because some businesses get so many applicants they use a scanner that scans resumes for these keywords. Any resumes without them get  pitched without being considered.

The better option for this is to get your resume in the hands of the person who is hiring. They will likely take a look at it, and it greatly increases your chances of getting an interview. The closer you get to the hiring manager or interviewer the better chance you have.

Volunteering and working your way up - I know it sounds odd volunteering to get a job, but it is actually quite effective. Let me give you a quick story on how I got my current job.

I was working at Arbys, (I actually got that job because I told one of my friends I was looking for a job, he helped me get my foot in the door.) but I knew that I did not want to be there much longer. There was just a couple small problems... I barely had any work experience, and I had still really had no idea how to get a job  on my own. So I went out and started volunteering for small business owners. I eventually ended up at a networking event where job seekers and businesses that were hiring came together. I handed my resume out and it just so happened that one of the companies that I gave my resume to was looking for someone to do exactly what I had just done while volunteering for those business owners.

Now that is one way to get experience to get a job. But there is another way. A successful sales consultant told me he built his career off of volunteering. At first it blew my mind but now I realize it makes perfect sense. If you volunteer and put in hard work; 1) you will be the first person looked at when a position opens up or 2) do something so well that the business needs to open up a new position so that they can have you full time. If you don't believe it can be done contact me and I will get you in contact with you few who have done this.

Start your own business - Starting a business is usually expensive. It usually takes a lot of time, effort.and skill. Usually... Because of the internet and new technology there are new jobs being made constantly. If you can provide a service to someone or sell something for someone you can start your own business. It may not create the full income you want but some will pay you to sell their stuff on e-bay or Amazon. The coolest part about this is that it's free to learn how and it's free to get started!

Home-based businesses - These are becoming more and more popular. Let's face it, it is an awesome way to make money. Plus you can work on your own time from the comfort of your home. Be cautious: these businesses are only as trustworthy as their leaders. They also usually have a fee to get involved. There are hundreds of these businesses but I would suggest only getting involved with those that you have faith in the product and faith in those who you are in the business.

*If you are considering a home-based business I am currently interviewing for a couple of partners who want to help build up a business. Compensation based on effort with the potential to earn a weekly increasing income. Training will be provided by one of the best business development trainers in the world. For details just contact me.

For a full proven system of how to apply, interview and get a job, you need to get Job Domination by Dani Johnson. This blog is just to give you an idea of what you can do. That system will give you the skill you need.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How to Relieve Stress when Pregnant

Stress seems to be taking over our country these days; not only is life stressful enough but being pregnant adds a whole new list of things that will stress you out. But of course you are no stranger to this that is why you are here right?

More than likely your body (or baby) will start telling you you are stressed before your mind does. Your body may feel achy, you might get frustrated, you may get extremely irritable and sometimes not even feel like getting up in the morning.

More important than you feeling like crap, your baby may be affected by your stress. Stress can cause complications for your child later in the pregnancy or later in life. You probably also feel the energy drain that  all this brings. All the energy you are using to deal with this is being taken away from the development of your baby. Would you like most of your energy to be used to develop a strong baby or to deal with stress?

This blog post will talk about common places of stress for young mothers, how to deal with the stress and how to CHILL OUT.

Stress from being Pregnant.

A lot of stress comes from just being a young mother. Most just accept that it comes with the territory, but I personally believe that being pregnant should be a wonderful experience. OK realistically, yes it will probably  not feel great and your body is going to go through things you could go your entire life not going through. But with all the pain aside it should be a happy experience.

Here are some common issues pregnancy will bring:

Being Judged - Unfortunately this is all too common for young mothers. No one wants to feel like they are any less of a person because of what they are going through in life. Good news is that you don't have to.

First off you have to understand that others just don't understand, and you have to keep your head held high. People will judge you for almost everything you do ("why does she like that shirt? Why does she like that song? Why does she like him"?) -who cares? Are you going to let someone else's opinions affect the health of your baby?

Being in Pain - No one wants likes to be in pain. Each pregnancy is different but a majority of the time there will be pain. How to deal with the pain:

  • Use pain medicine accepted by your doctor
  • Buy a heating pad and use it when necessary
  • Use muscle rub such as Bengay but be sure to make sure it is ok'd by your doctor.
  • Get yourself a massage.
  • Take a nice relaxing bath
Feeling Yucky - Pregnancy is a beautiful, although sometimes as your body changes you don't feel so beautiful. You deserve to feel beautiful! When you are feeling kind of down, you need to treat yourself.
  • Buy a nice outfit for yourself; as you get further into your pregnancy you may need to add a few things in your wardrobe. Since when was this a bad thing? Buy something that will make you feel sexy and enjoy yourself as you shop.
  • Get a pedicure and/or manicure. Go take sometime and pamper yourself!  
  • Take the focus off yourself and think about how beautiful that little baby will be when it is born. Try to picture what it will look like and put a smile on your face!
Stress in your Relationships

There may be times when you and the people are you do not get along too well. This happens to everyone, pregnant or not. It may be a family member, a friend or your significant other who does not understand what you are going through.

Remember that arguments are a two way street. You may feel like you are the victim but you are also the one who can may things better. Talk with the person, and find out why they are mistreating you. STAY CALM no matter what. 93% of all communication is nonverbal. If you enter the conversation with a sense of understanding in your voice it will allow the conversation to go a lot smoother.

Take into consideration what the other person is saying to you. Is it fair? Does it make sense? Is there anything you can do to minimize the distress within the relationship. Also take into consideration that not everything is your fault. Some people may actually just be treating you poorly. Sometimes you may need to spend less time with these people in order to kill some of the stress.

The best thing to do in my opinion is find more people who can encourage you. Having 10 people who make you laugh and smile and encourage you will eliminate most of the stress that 1 or 2 people can bring you.

Financial Stress
This happens to a lot of people whether they are single, married, have kids, or don't. Try to relax and stay calm, I will do my best to help you with some financial assistance.

  • Find assisted programs that will provide financial help and food for you. 
  • Go to those who are willing to help you if needed. There is no shame in wanting to take care of your baby. 
  • Find a good money management book/program. A big problem may be that you are spending too much on unnecessary things but don't realize it. Trust me... when I heard this I thought "I'm not spending money on anything! especially not unnecessary things." But I had found that I was wasting over $50 a month on things that could be avoided.  (Fast food!!) 
  • You may not agree with this one but just stay calm. Sometimes it looks like there is no way you will make it financially but very often something comes along and provides exactly what you need. Try not to let financial stress hold you and your baby down. 
Stress at Work and School
School and work are stressful places within themselves. Being pregnant sometimes just makes things worse. The best advice I got from the love of my life was that you have to get through it for you and your baby. You've gone through so much already, just do what you can to get through the days. 

Go into work and school with the understanding that everyday you are making steps to creating a better life for your baby. If you are working or still in school, give yourself a pat on the back! Many girls can't handle it,  but you know you need to do what you have to do. 

If stress is really getting to you, find a group of people who can help support and encourage you. I also heard from some women that they try to make it as fun as possible so that days go by fast. Do what you need to do to make it through! It will be worth it in the end.  

Fathers of the Baby Look Here

If you are a pregnant mother and the father is not reading this with you, get up and go get him now. Dad, this is the most important time for you to step up. I know you see yourself wanting to do all this fun stuff with your child as you are raising them and you probably have no idea how you can even help right now, but listen up.

This is a really important time for you to step up as a father, a boyfriend/husband, and as a man. Your woman needs you now. Believe me, this can be just as painful for you as it is for her if you do not take care of her. I know what you are thinking, " I don't know what the heck to do, I've never gone through this before." But it is your job to help relieve some of that stress she has.

  1. Make sure your new family is taken care of financially. AKA get a job! There needs to be no excuse of you can't find one, especially if you are sitting on your butt watching TV more than an hour a day. McDonalds around here is always hiring! You may have to put your dignity aside for awhile and work somewhere you don't want but you have to do what you have to do for your child. Eventually something better will come... Trust me. 
  2. Be her defender. Don't start fights with her, try to understand where she is coming from. She may also start stressing about her relationships with her friends, or family members so it is up to you to help her feel loved and that she has not messed up her life. 
  3. She is going to be stressed out about things just because she is pregnant. So make her feel better.
    • Let her know you are in it with her, and that you love her and that baby. 
    • Help her when she is achy and in pain. There may not be much you can do, but give her massages when you can and try to give her a helping hand so she can try to stay off her feet as much as possible.
    • Make her feel beautiful. Even if you think she knows... You still better tell her. Even when she denies... just keep saying. Pregnancy is a confusing time but you need to just keep making sure she feels loved.
Just be there for her above anything else. Take care of her physically, financially and mentally. It may seem like a lot to do but she is also going through a lot. Be in it with her. Take care of her. 

Mothers remember that pregnancy will not last forever, but it will shape your baby's following years. Make sure it is safe and taken care of. Do not allow something like stress affect the health of your baby. If you or the father need assistance, then just comment below. Others or myself can try to point you in the right direction. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Where to get help for Young Parents

After the 'o'crap moments' of pregnancy and when everything finally starts to sink in there is still lots of uncertainty that future young parents have. "What are we going to do? Where are we going to live? How am I going to raise a baby I don't know what I'm doing!" And these are just a few thoughts that tend to pop into people's minds. One thing is for certain... You will love that baby and and make sure she gets everything she needs and wants no matter what!

Fortunately, there is plenty of help for you as a young parent when trying to figure this all out on your own. The hard part is finding out where to go for this help, but by the time you are done reading this blog you should be able to what you need for financial help, parenting help, and support.

Financial Help
Financial assistance is probably the most significant assistance young parents can get. You can't really do anything without money these days. Good thing there are people, and organizations that are willing to help you with most of your financial needs.

Cash assistance - This basically provides a monthly cash flow for your household. Each state is different though. You can apply in person or online. Having cash assistance will provide a way for you to pay bills, and have a place to live so that you can provide for your little one(s).

Food assistance - Food stamps was huge for us when we were first starting off in our own home. There is nothing worse than working to pay the bills but still having to worry about putting food on the table for your child. If you had to choose between buying diapers and milk what would you do? Having assistance with your food allows you to focus your money on paying the bills and takes a lot of stress off your chest.

Child care assistance - Some don't need child care assistance if they have someone to watch their child for free, or if they are a stay at home parent. But it is interesting sometimes, especially for single parents. You go to work every week and after a couple months you realize that everything you make goes into day care or a babysitter for your child. It seems more logical to just quit and spend the time with your child right? Well having this assistance will take care of that worry for you. It will allow you to put your money to good use so that you are not just paying to go to work.

You may have realized the programs above are welfare programs and I understand that some do not like the idea of welfare, but it truly does help individuals raise their children well. I do not agree most of us should be on welfare forever but it provides a good stepping stone for young parents who do not have a large enough income to provide everything they feel their child should have.

Ohio residents click here for more information on these programs; For those outside of Ohio I am not familiar with where to go for information so Google the assistance program with your state name or call your local government department.

Parenting Help
It is generally pretty easy to find help with becoming a better parent. Trust me; I was freaking out because I had no idea what I was doing; heck I hardly ever held a baby before let alone took care of one. (I was the baby in the family!) Below are a few ways where you can learn how to prepare for your child and to raise them well (hopefully with little stress).

Reading - There are plenty of resources that will help you prepare for your baby. Even if you are not much of a reader it is a good idea to check out a couple of books because it can make the next few months (or years) a lot easier. Here are a few resources for you to check out:
  • Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel's What to expect when you are expecting - This is a classic which will prepare you for what your body will go through during pregnancy. Many recommend this book. Click Here to check it out. (It is a fairly inexpensive book and is probably free at your library!) 
  • Dani Johnson's Grooming the Next Generation for Success- This book will allow you to raise your children with respect and how to groom them to be successful in all aspects of life. There is a book or you can get an entire home study course. Click here to check it out
  • Go to your library! I don't know where you are at in your parenting skills but your library has books for different problems or solutions you may need. And the best part is that it is free!
Talk to someone you know who has children - I am definitely not saying take advice from someone just because they have children, instead find out from them what is up ahead of you. If you do know of someone who has done an amazing job of raising children or someone you trust as a good parent (maybe your parents) then ask them if they would mind sitting down and answer a few questions you might have. 

Parenting Programs - I am not referring to welfare programs here. Instead I am talking about things such as motherhood programs, fatherhood programs, even this blog for instance will eventually be a part of a larger parenting program. My city has a great organization named WSOS which helps, fathers, mothers, vets, and many more people. Check what organizations are in your city willing to help. 

Support Groups
Yes I know "support group" may remind you of AA or something, but some can honestly help take some stress off your shoulders. Sometimes at home your parents are not the most encouraging and even at school some people may make you feel like an outcast. No one is perfect, but no one wants to feel like they're less than anyone else.

There are so many support groups for young parents! In our community there is something called "Bridges" which is a place for new parents (young or old) to get help with things for their babies like clothes, diapers, food, baby seats, high chairs, etc... But it is more than just getting things for free.

Bridges provides learning, peer support, some networking and the chance to give back! There are probably groups like this right in your own community; Sometimes even in high schools or colleges. Go online and look for groups in your community. If you need some help contact me and I may be able to help you find one.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Welcome Young Parents (and Old)

Chances are that you do not know me... yet. My name is Zachary Emly and I am a 22 year old parent! My son Zane will be turning three in October and we have been through a lot this past three years.

When I say a lot I mean a lot... Things from raising him, welfare programs, college, working full/part-time jobs, renting, buying a home, and on and on. I made mistakes and went through some frustrating times, but I tell you this not to talk about myself but to let you know I know how it feels. I wanted to take my experiences and put it into a blog to provide help for young parents going through problems or frustrations.

So what's going to be in the blog?
There's so many obstacles, frustrating times, and issues that will be faced by many young parents. (If you are pregnant and trying to prepare don't be scared there are a lot of happy and blessed moments as well!) And because there are so many hard times I wanted to help those parents get a head and knock those obstacles out of the way.

I will cover as much info as I personal can, and will also have guest bloggers who have gone through things I have not (i.e. pregnant women). Here are some things that will be covered in future blog posts:

  • Raising your precious little one & parenting problems
  • Handling finances and how to save money
  • Keeping the FIRE going between you and your partner
  • How to juggle work, school, and home life while still getting sleep
  • Renting and buying a home
  • And so very much more! 

It's Fun and Educational!
Did I sound like one of your elementary school teachers just then? Well hopefully it was one you liked, because I want to keep this blog interesting so it is entertaining enough to read while still providing you with good info to take into the real world. 

There will also be a chance to meet other people, make new friends, chat and get support from these people. See it's starting to sound fun already isn't it?

What's the purpose?
Honestly I know how hard things can be; from the relationships, to stress at work and now your adding on a little one who needs your undivided attention. If you are not there yet trust me, it is hard work somethings. For a lot of parents there is no one to turn to and no useful resources, so I wanted to use Blogger to reach as many young parents as I can to help them on their journey as parents.

Either subscribe to this blog or just check in weekly to get updates and insights into new topics. 

By the way, if you have any immediate needs or really would like insights on a specific topic that you think would be beneficial for others, then just contact me and I will do my best to get together a useful post!

Join us for our 90 Day Challenge - Contact Zach Emly